Rouleau de film OM 1800

Caractéristiques techniques

Description high-performance film scanner for 16/35 mm roll film in 256 gray scales and/or b&w with new developed camera and illumination system for scan results in highest quality
Camera/optics up to 12-bit-dynamic range with gamma correction grayscale output; superior real-time or post-scan image processing speeds; direct path imaging: camera, film and light source are in-line to ensure optimum image quality; full 12,288 pixel CCD array for highest true optical dpi in the industry; Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to optimize image quality while scanning; Mekel “smoothlight” fiber optic bundle balances lighting across entire scan area, no hot spots or shadowing
Max. scan resolution 100 – 600 dpi
Scan Speed more than 700 frames per minute; at 200 ppi – 1400 images per minute with dual output in gray scale and b&w
Strip scan technology 200 ppi gray scale 3 – 5 minutes per roll, 300 ppi gray scale 6 – 9 minutes per roll. Post process image processing up to 1600 images per minute
Scan mode true 12 bit image processing for 256 gray scales and b&w
Film size roll film 16/35 mm – 30,5 m (thin film: 60 m),
and 305 m (1000 ft) filmkit
Film control automatic image detection, single, double or triple level blipcode detection, dual-leading and trail edge detection as well as image splitting, negative and positive roll film, automatic density and contrast control, automatic film stop at film end, go to frame function
Image output TIFF, JPEG, JPEG2000, PDF, Multipage-PDF, PDFA
Simultaneous output of grayscale and bi-tonal formats
Application Software advanced strip scanning technology for entire roll scanning, image verification and file saving. 100% image capture, no film re-scan necessary. Capturing software for high productivity with all standard scanning tools as for example automatic image enhancement, automatic gain control, contrast enhancement, automatic density control, masking, image rotation, cropping, inversion, etc., in addition job administration, connection to document management systems
Operating system Windows 8 (32 – 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 – 64 bit),
Windows XP
Hardware included in standard delivery volume: PENTIUM, 4 GB RAM, min 1 TB hard disk, monitor TFT 20”
Power requirements 115/230 V, 60/50 Hz, 50 VA.
Other voltages on request
Dimensions (w x d x h) 279 mm x 533 mm x 483 mm
Weight approx. 27 kg


Zeutschel Delta microform scanner